Monday, October 22, 2012

Cooking mini pizzas!

Thank you to Auntie Mimi for the great mini pizza recipe!  The girls had fun helping to roll out the dough and making their own pizzas.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Pumpkin Decorating

The girls had fun decorating our Halloween pumpkins this week!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Seattle Children's Symphony

The girls had a great time today at a performance by the Seattle Children's Symphony.  They were excited to meet the performers, Lisa & Linda, after the show and get a picture together.  Then we all had a great lunch and gelato at Gelatiamo.  Not bad for a rainy Saturday.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Dancing Queens

Here's the video of the girls dancing on stage at Salmon Days!

Salmon Days 2012

We couldn't have asked for more beautiful weather for this year's Issaquah Salmon Days festival.  The girls enjoyed seeing the salmon, but they REALLY enjoyed the bouncy houses, warm roasted cashews & tap dancing.  We were passing through a parking lot and happened upon a small stage where there was a troupe of tap dancers.  The girls asked if we could watch.  They slowly edged their way up to the front of the stage and got to dance with the dancers.  They were in heaven.  They even made it on to follow shortly.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Open House at the Fire Station


The girls had a great time visiting our local fire station this weekend.  They got to drive the trucks, watch a fire being put out on the stove, try on the uniforms and eat cookies. Who can ask for much more?

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Stefano decided for his 21st birthday he wanted sunshine.  So we headed to Scottsdale and found plenty of it!  We all had an amazing trip....full of lots of laughs and smiles.  We spent most of the days at the pool....Stella must've gone done the resort waterslide at least 50 times.  We also were able to meet up with Melissa's friend Makenzie and her family.  The kids all hit it off and played at a train park and ate Mexican food together.  Definitely planning on Scottsdale for 2013.