Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Stella's new hobby is painting with watercolors.

Friday, September 24, 2010


A true Italian at heart! Maia can eat more pasta than Stella in one meal.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Stella and her Wingman

So far, they really seem to be the bestest of friends! If you ask Stella who her best friend is, she always answers "Maia". :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Maia's 1st Toddler Time

Stella and I took Maia to her first Toddler Time at the Community Center today and she LOVED it! The minute I put her down on the ground she was off and exploring and playing with all the toys. She spent most of the time walking and pushing all the cars around.

Monday, September 13, 2010


We are truly lucky to have the BEST next-door neighbors. Brett and Spencer stopped by this past weekend to entertain Stella and Maia....and to bring over some toys they are no longer using. Seriously, can you ask for better neighbors? I think they keep bringing toys because they know I'll bake them cookies as a thank you :)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Grandma's September Visit

The girls had lots of laughs, lot of tea parties and a whole lot of fun with Grandma this past weekend. We can't wait to visit her in California in a couple of weeks!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Stella and mom made homemade applesauce muffins today. This was the first time Stella was really excited to help stir and cook....she actually did a pretty good job and didn't make that much of a mess. We'll see if she eats her applesauce muffins (with hidden butternut squash puree in them!) for breakfast tomorrow.

Monday, September 6, 2010

A Rare Family Photo

Thanks to Auntie Amy for taking our photo in front of the Aquarium.

Good Times at the Seattle Aquarium

Maia was mesmerized by all the fish at the Aquarium this past weekend! She was studying up on the "Fish of Hawaii" exhibit for our upcoming trip.

Stella LOVED the Aquarium as well! She liked seeing the divers feed the fish in this huge fish tank.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Stella's 1st day of Early Preschool

Although Stella did attend school over the Summer, today was the official 1st day of the school year. She was really excited and happy to wear her backpack and see her teachers and friends today.