Friday, January 29, 2010

Loving their new ride

A big thanks to Aunt Jo and Aunt Renee for our new fabulous double stroller! Stella hasn't wanted to ride in a stroller in months but now she doesn't want to get out of this one. It's fabulous because Maia can lay down flat in this stroller. Stella always leans forward to check that Maia is there and asks "Maia?". Thanks again!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sisterly Love

Stella is loving being a big sister and is always very interested in what Maia is doing. She must say "Maia" at least 50 times every day. Here Stella was giving some love to her little sister.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Maia turns 12 weeks old today!

It's hard to believe that Maia is already 12 weeks old. She has really started to develop more of her personality over the past few weeks. She is extremely alert and loves to smile. She continues to be a great baby and even manages to sleep through Stella's screams and happy shrills. Maia's new favorite thing is to watch the mobile in her crib.