Monday, June 29, 2009

Saturday afternoon enjoyment

Why are other people's things always the best toy around even when we have a bag full of our own toys? Thanks to Nicole and baby Adrienne for a fun afternoon!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Discovery of the Tupperware Drawer

Stella has quickly discovered she can open the kitchen drawers and loves the Tupperware drawer! Luckily for us it occupies her time while we're in the kitchen.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day to the World's Best Dad!

Happy Father's Day to the World's Best Daddy (except mine of course :) )!! Stella made her daddy's Father's Day extra special by sharing in the loss of Italy to Brazil (which was turned off immediately after Brazil scored 3 points) and by sharing a fabulous dinner out! Thanks for being an amazing Dad Stefano! You are truly Father of the Year.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Jake's 1st Birthday Party

Happy Birthday to Jake! We had a great time this past weekend at his 1st birthday party.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Pool party!

It's finally summer in Seattle! Thanks to Jenell and Gianna for having us over for a pool party yesterday. Stella had a great time with Gianna and Finley...and even got a hug in the pool from Gianna :)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Loving the stairs

The week before we left for Italy Stella would not even attempt to go up any of the stairs, not even one. Now she is flying up them!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Back from Italy

We had a great time in Italy. The weather was fantastic and Stella got to spend almost every day at the beach with her Nonna. She seemed to really enjoy the sand and water. Stella loved spending time with her Nonna and Nonna and meeting all our friends and family. The first couple of days of jetlag were brutal, but once she adjusted Stella did great. The return trip home knocked us all out for the past couple of days. Luckily we came home to sunshine!