Thursday, May 21, 2009

Stella loves the beach!

The weather here is unbelievably warm and we have been taking Stella to the beach every day. She seems to love it. She plays in the water with her Nonna and even got to eat pizza at the beach yesterday.

Stella's 1st trip to Italy!

After almost 24 hours of travel door-to-door, Stella made it to Italy! She did great on the plane and even slept for about 5 hours-thank goodness for the bassinet and extra legroom we had. By the time we arrived to Ravenna she was completely wiped out. It's taken her almost 5 days to adjust to the time difference but finally she has.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Stella's birthday weekend

Thanks to everyone who had a part in making Stella's 1st birthday weekend so much fun! She had a fantastic visit with her Grandco and Grandma Jonny. She had an eventful weekend with her birthday party and a trip to the park for Mother's Day. Now she only has a couple of days to get packed and ready for her 1st trip to Italy!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Stella!

Happy Happy 1st birthday to our Stella! We can hardly believe it's already been a year since Stella came into our lives. What an amazing year we have all had together. Stella had a wonderful birthday today with her Grandco and Grandma Jonny. She is excited for her party tomorrow! Thanks to everybody for all their birthday wishes.

Here's Stella loving the new toy that Auntie Mimi sent! Thanks again Mimi!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Let the festivities begin!

Stella got an early birthday present from her Grandco and Grandma Jonny today--she is loving her new rocking puppy dog! We can hardly believe tomorrow is Stella's 1st birthday and we're looking forward to her party this weekend.