Friday, November 21, 2008

Colorado here we come!

A big thanks to Grandpa Randy for the great snowsuit that we will wear (hoping there is lots of snow!) in Colorado next week. Stella is excited to spend her first Thanksgiving in Colorado and we're hoping she likes the snow. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
And believe it or not, this snowsuit is size 3 months! Good thing we have snow trips planned in the New Year and Stella can grow into it.

Yummy sweet potatoes

Stella is doing pretty well getting used to real food. This week we introduced her to sweet potatoes and so far so you can see from the photo, more of it might end up on her face rather than in her mouth.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Easy like Sunday morning

Sunday mornings are always fun since Dad usually gets up with Stella and mom can sleep a little longer. No, just kidding. They are fun because we are both home with Stella and can just hang out and have fun. Here was our attempt at a mohawk in the bathtub--it's hard to see. But Stella has so much more hair on the top of her head than on the sides, it's kind of funny.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Stella's first meal

Stella has officially eaten some rice cereal! It took a bit for her to figure out what is was and what to do with it, but she opened her mouth and ate a couple of spoonfuls. She talked the entire time....she never cried or stopped eating, so we assumed she was telling us she was so happy to finally eat some food. You can see in the photos that she wasn't very sure what she was eating or doing at first.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A belated Halloween-PEPS style

Although belated,here's a shot of my PEPS group kiddos in costume. Of course we couldn't get everyone to smile and look at the camera, but they are all precious nonetheless.

Monday, November 10, 2008

6 month check-up

Not only is Stella rocking the 25% percentile, but her pediatrican said that she is catching up in every way possible really fast! Despite the tears from the shots, Stella had a great visit with her doctor and is very healthy and doing wonderful. The doctor even recommended we start her on rice cereal. I think our world is about to change.

Here's a photo at home after the shots.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Happy 6 months Stella!

Today Stella is officially 6 months old and we're happy to say she is one of the easiest and mellow 6 month olds we know. Her 6 month pediatrician appointment is Monday and bets are now being accepted on her weight--hopefully we are going to be on the percentile charts :)

Happy 1/2 year birthday Stellina!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The happiest baby

After sleeping through the night Stella wakes up "talking" in her crib and is very smiley and happy--it really is the best time of day! This morning has been an active and fun one with new toys which she seems to really like.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Change is in the air

Stella is so ecstatic that Obama will be her president for the first 4, hopefully 8 years of her life, that she decided to master sleeping on her stomach in one day. The anxiety over yesterday's election wore her out.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election day anxiety

Stella is so anxious about today's election that all she can do is suck that thumb and sleep. Oh and she's also rolled over about 5 times today....she even woke up this morning on her stomach! Only issue she is having is figuring out how to get back onto her back...oh the frustration!

Monday, November 3, 2008

2nd generation UPS'ers...maybe

Yesterday my college freshman roommate, Aimee, and her youngest son Aaron came up to visit. It was great to catch up and see the 2nd generation of Anderson/Langdon hanging together! As usual, the minute the camera came out, Stella got very serious. One of these days she will become photogenic, right?

Saturday, November 1, 2008

A wild 1st Halloween

Stella had a very wild 1st Halloween last night. She lasted for about 1/2 of the trick-or-treaters and then was down for the count!