Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Stella's playdate with Luna

Although she slept through most of it, Stella had a great time with her buddy Luna the other day. Luna was so sweet with Stella and even fed her baby doll Coco while Stella was eating.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Stella holds her head high

Not only are we not crying during tummy time anymore (Stella, not mom and dad), but we can hold our head up high!

Stella had her 4-month appointment at the pediatrician last week and is weighing in at 12 pounds 4 ounces. The pediatrician was very happy with her "catch-up" weight gain.

Mom and dad are happy that Stella is starting to sleep more during the night.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Stella’s visit with Grandma Suz and Grandpa Randy

Stella had a wonderful weekend with her grandparents. It was also a weekend of “firsts”. She went up the Space Needle for the first time (and slept through the entire thing) and she went to Pike Place Market for the first time (she slept through the entire thing as well). She was super smiley and happy and enjoyed the visit a lot!