Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Grandco and Grandma Jonny’s visit

While Stefano was out of town for a bachelor party, Grandco and Grandma Jonny came up to help out and visit with little Stella. We had a great weekend and Stella was happily introduced to Nordstrom J She is staying alert now for longer periods and really starting to focus on faces.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Stella rolled over

Stella had a very exciting tummy time this evening. In the midst of her effort she managed to roll herself over! I don't think she even realized it. She was staring at her mom who was going crazy.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

2 months old today!

Stella turned 2 months old today and today also happens to be her original due date. We're thrilled to see her grow more and more every day.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

2-month check-up

Stella had her 2-month check up last week and is doing great. She now weighs 8 pounds and measures 20 ½ inches. Her due date is this coming week so she is perfectly on target for being a newborn. She had her first immunizations and handled them pretty well—although the cry she let out was heart-wrenching. Thank goodness her Grandco was there to get an “after” shot. She cried harder than she ever has each time the needle pricked her and then she was done. She handled it like a champ. She was pretty out of it the rest of the day, mostly sleeping and needed a lot of love. She was right back to herself the next day.

Grandco’s visit

Stella’s Grandco was here all last week enjoying some time with his granddaughter. Stella had a great time with her Grandco and was sad when he left. She had a busy week going to Costco, Home Depot, out to lunch and downtown. She was a trooper and pretty much slept the entire time we were out and about.